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Your Privacy Is Important to Us! | ypii.eu

Featured on the TOP 21 Books in Privacy & Data Protection That You Must Read ASAP (The Privacy Whisperer 2022)

‘[...] the book investigates how our current legal framework can be informed by psychological, technological, and societal perspectives to curb predatory business models of surveillance capitalism. […] The book paves the ground for the development of a new consumer protection orientated legal doctrine.’
H.‑W. Micklitz in Journal of consumer policy (2022)

‘The author outlines the design logics of persuasive technologies and manipulative marketing techniques to elucidate how individuals are nudged, tricked and forced into certain directions and choices. […] Trzaskowski’s book presents a more thorough depiction of a diagnosis widely shared since the Cambridge Analytical Scandal that accused “personalized advertisement” of being destructive to democracy. […] His book makes a crucial contribution in outlining the vulnerability individuals disclose through their personal data. What is at stake in data-driven marketing is our autonomy and agency, which is precisely what we consider at the heart of human dignity.’
Theresa Henne in Global Privacy Law Review (2022)

‘With its legal starting point and its holistic approach to the subject, the book supplements existing literature in the field and demonstrates the author’s impressive breadth of knowledge on the subject.’
Henrik Udsen in Danish Weekly Law Journal (2022)

‘How often have you read the words “Your privacy is important to us” […] this excellent book […] questions whether we mean those words or if the statement is a sop to make individuals believe their personal data is safe from predatory corporate behaviour.’
Ardi Kolah in Journal of Data Protection & Privacy (2023)

‘This book will help us all understand who is abusing us through big technology and how. And it may enable us to respond to the dangers of Manipulation Capitalism, not as threats to capitalism based on monopoly power, but as something far more pernicious, less visible, and more dangerous to individual dignity and to the functioning of our complex societies. Despite Jan’s concerns about a possible dystopian future, he and the book remain surprisingly optimistic.’
Eric K. Clemons in the Foreword (2021)

. . . This book may be as important to you as your privacy is to ‘them’

Jan Trzaskowski, Your Privacy Is Important to Us! – Restoring Human Dignity in Data-Driven Marketing (Ex Tuto 2021)

Your Privacy Is Important to Us! – Restoring Human Dignity in Data-Driven Marketing

Your Privacy Is Important to Us! explores the application of EU consumer law—including data protection law and other fundamental rights—to data-driven business models that infringe on human agency, social cohesion and democratic debate. It suggests how our current legal framework can be informed by psychological, technological and societal perspectives to curb predatory business models of surveillance capitalism.

The book elucidates the potential for cross-fertilisation between data protection law and marketing law, and it demonstrates how the protection of human dignity, privacy and non-discrimination may corroborate these legal disciplines. It is argued that ‘paying with personal data’ is a misleading framing when, in fact, we pay with attention and agency—which are both scarcer and more precious than personal data and are also important in social and societal contexts. A three-tiered model of information asymmetry is introduced to illustrate why information does not ensure transparency, which is a prerequisite for user empowerment.

The aim is to inform and amplify ongoing debates by providing a coherent framing of data-driven marketing in the context of law, psychology, technology and society.

30 November 2021 | 352 pages hardcover | ISBN: 978-87-420-0042-7

Table of content | Foreword | Preface | Conclusions | Next Steps | Bibliography

Read the book here: www.ypii.eu/book/ | See also HumanDignity.AI/.

More information at www.extuto.com.

Table of Content

1. Why this book? (#methodology #delimitations #structure)
2. Data-Driven Business Models (#surveillancecapitalism #valueextraction #harm)

3. Regulating Markets (#law #markets #architecture #consumerprotection)
4. Data Protection Law (#gdpr #personaldata #lawfulprocessing #legitimatebasis)
5. Marketing Law (#ucpd #professionaldiligence #averageconsumer)

6. Human Decision-Making (#agency #psychology #boundedrationality #willpower)
7. Persuasive Technology (#technology #choicearchitecture #friction #prompts)
8. Manipulation (#coercion #deception #subliminalmarketing #paternalism)
9. Transparency (#information #communication #complexity #asymmetry)

10. Human Dignity and Democracy (#humanwellbeing #privacy #discrimination #proportionality)

11. Conclusions (#humandignity #datadrivenmarketing #beinghuman)
12. Next Steps (#action #conversations #future)

Your Privacy Is Important!
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About the author

Jan Trzaskowski, Ph.D., is Law Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Aalborg University. Since the mid-1990s, he has dealt with legal and regulatory aspects of information technology, and his research focuses on the protection of consumers and fundamental rights, including privacy. He was Head of the Danish delegation negotiating the 2000 E-Commerce Directive and is founder of the Business in Democracy Initiative (BiDEM).

Author and co-author of many articles and books, including GDPR Compliance (2nd ed., 2022 [with Max Gersvang Sørensen]), Markedsføringsretten (4th ed., 2022 [with Peter Møgelvang-Hansen and Thomas Riis]) and Your Privacy Is Important to Us! (2021).

More information at legalriskmanagement.com.

Follow me on LinkedIn.

Foreword by Eric K. Clemons, Ph.D., who is Professor Emeritus at The Wharton School and author of New Patterns of Power and Profit.

Jan Trzaskowski, author of Your Privacy Is Important to Us!

978-87-420-0042-7 book cover | Your Privacy Is Important to Us!

Book presentations, media and events

4 January, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
24 January, Dagbladet Politiken (interview)
8 March, International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
9 March, University of Exeter
18 March, Copenhagen Business School (book launch)
6 April, BiDEM, Copenhagen Business School
12 April, KU Leuven
25 April, Juridisk Forening Denmark
26 April, Mediet Markedsføring (interview)
28 April, Aalborg University (book launch)
2 May, Danish Marketing Association
18 May, Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
20 June, UC Louvain
24 June, Danish Consumer Council
19 July, University of Boston Platform Symposium
10 September, Digital Law and Policy Conference, Warsaw, Poland (keynote)
16 September, International Consumer Law Conference, University of Pretoria (keynote)
30 September, Wired Relations (podcast)
19 October, BiDEM, Gorrissen Federspiel Law Firm
23 November, Folkeuniversitetet i Aalborg

3 January, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
11 January, Stanford Law School (The Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology, Stanford Center for the Digital Economy, and Stanford Transatlantic Technology Law Forum)
7 March, Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
9 March, Danish IT law Network
13 March, Orchestra
17 March, Queen Mary University, London
17 March, Dagbladet Information (op-ed)
29 March, Den grønne ungdomsbevægelse
17 April, Advokaternes HR
21 April, King’s College, London
24 April, LegalTech (podcast)
8 May, Teknologirådet
10 May, V2 Security
10 May, Teknologiens Mediehus (podcast)
24 May, HjulmandKaptain Aalborg
28 August, Danmarks DPO forening
6 September, Openli Community
26 September, Kharkiv International Legal Forum
28 September, IE University Law School, Madrid (keynote)
11 October, Danske Advokater
26 October, AI Denmark Summit 2023 (keynote)
6 November, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
9 November, Erhvervsjuraforeningen
14 November, Folkeuniversitetet i Aalborg
21 November, Danske Advokater
6 December, Menneskerettighedskonferencen, Aalborg University

9 January, Copenhagen University
22 January, Langelinieskolen, Copenhagen
24 January, Den grønne ungdomsbevægelse (podcast)
19 February, KOSMOS
19 March, Folkeuniversitetet i Aalborg
7 May, UNICEF/Børnealliancen (Greenland)
23 May, Nordisk Socialforsikringsmøde
30 May, Forvaltningsretskonferencen, Aalborg University
5 June, Lund University
20 June, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
15 July, CyberSundhed (podcast)
9 August, DEF CON 32
10 September, Tech & Trivsel @ Tranquebar
13 September, Deutsche Hochschulstiftung
19 September, AAU Cybersecurity
20 September, Novo Nordisk
3 October, Danish Marketing Law Association
7 October, Lexoforms
8 October, Folkeuniversitetet i Aalborg
21 October, Copenhagen Business School
5 November, Tech Law Symposium
16 November, Justitia Akademi
3 December, Danske Advokater

15-17 January, CBS Executive
20 March, Danske Advokater
2 December, Danske Advokater

Jan Trzaskowski | Ex Tuto A/S